About This Project

Watercolor FX creates a realistic looking watercolor illustration from your image with only one click.
Best suitable are sources like portraits, object images and landscapes.

After creating the watercolor illustration, it can be edited like:
- change color and contrast and presets
- hide or modify overlay effects
- play around with the visibility or opacity, blend mode of the individual detail layers like color flow, splashes and pencil strokes
- change the background color

It‘s as simple as that
- Mask the area of the source image that should be watercolored.
- Click “Paint it now!”
- Customize the overlay effects, detail layers and background colors

Automatic optimization
When creating the watercolor illustration, the source will automatically be optimized:
- best effect setup
- resize small images
- center masked areas

Good to know
- The source image always remains unaffected
- The color mode of the output image ist always RGB with a resolution of 300 dpi
- With optimization the longest side of the final watercolor illustration is at least 3000 pixel
- The Watercolor FX tool is language independent
- Works with PC and MAC

What you get
- Installer to load the Watercolor FX into the FX Box in Photoshop CC-2014 or newer
- Short Instructions PDF + install video tutorial

- Photoshop CC-2014 – CC-2019 on PC
- Photoshop CC-2014 – CC-2019 on MAC
This Plugin is language-independent. Therefore you do NOT change your Photoshop language setup.
